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The older both of my dogs get, the smellier their breath gets! That is to say, they have bad dog breath! Y’all, some days it’s really nasty smelling! So, I’ve been discovering natural remedies I can do at home to improve their bad dog breath.
First of all, I want you to know that bad dog breath is NOT normal! In fact, it can be a sign of an unhealthy mouth with bad teeth and/or gums. As a result, an unhealthy mouth can lead to life-threatening health problems.
Furthermore, chronic bad breath might be a symptom of an internal organ problem. Therefore, if your dog has chronic bad breath, visit your veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues.
“Identifying the root cause of the bad breath is an important factor to consider in your dog’s overall health. An oral exam should be conducted by a veterinarian to ensure there is no gum disease or decaying teeth that may need extraction.”
Johnna Devereaux, clinical pet nutritionist, director of nutrition and wellness at Bow Wow Labs and owner of Fetch RI
However, if there isn’t a serious problem, there are some natural remedies to improve bad dog breath. In addition, these remedies are using things you probably already have in your cabinet or refrigerator.
Above all, you can use these remedies on a daily basis to be proactive with preventative care. Plus, you are improving your dog’s bad breath!
Bad Dog Breath Best Remedy – Brush Your Dog’s Teeth Regularly
If you can’t brush your dog’s teeth daily, please try to brush them at least once a week. However, dogs with small, pushed-in faces or brachycephalic dogs, should be on a daily brushing schedule. This is because the conformation of their mouth leaves them extra vulnerable to decay.

Getting into a regular routine will take some extra effort, but it is going to be worth it. Tooth issues can be serious and can affect your dog’s quality of life. Besides, professional dog cleaning gets expensive, because your dog has to be put under anesthesia! Or, you might have a dog like mine, who can’t undergo anesthesia due to a heart condition.
Check out our tips on how to brush your dog’s teeth regularly. Be sure to use toothpaste made for dogs and not humans. Human toothpaste can give your dog a tummy ache, because most brands are high in sodium. Furthermore, some contain xylitol, which is toxic to dogs.
My dogs love the peanut butter flavored dog toothpaste. However, I wanted to try my hand at creating a DIY dog toothpaste. I avoided creating a recipe using baking soda, although there are several online recipes using it. Baking soda can cause digestive upset, so it is best not to use it.
This DIY dog toothpaste is natural and toxic free. In addition, it’s easy to make and helps improve bad dog breath. The coconut oil is good for your dog, but should be used in moderation. So, this DIY dog toothpaste should be used alternately with pet store toothpaste.
Jump to RecipeBad Dog Breath Remedy – Let Your Dog Chew on a Bone
First of all, you already know that recreational bones can keep your dog constructively busy for hours. However, do you know that the right kinds of recreational bones can help with dental health?

Chewing on a bone can help keep your dog’s mouth healthy by scraping away plaque and tartar buildup. As a result, you will see your dog’s teeth get whiter and their gums get healthier. Plus, the bonus…fresh breath! Nevertheless, there is a technique to choosing the right bone for your dog.
The main thing I took from the linked article is to never feed cooked bones of any kind! Cooked bones splinter and they are hard enough to break a tooth. Also, kibble fed dogs can enjoy a nice raw bone without fear of diarrhea or bacteria. But, only if you choose the right bone.
Additionally to using raw bones as a natural remedy for bad dog breath, you can use dental chews. But, once again you need to look for the right kind of dog dental chews. So, look for one that contains breath-freshening chlorophyll, cinnamon and clove. Consequently, bones and chews marketed at pet stores as dental dog treats can get costly.
Yet, natural marrow bones packaged for dogs at the pet store are a cheaper option. Plus, they still give the fresher breath benefits.
Other Natural Remedies for Bad Dog Breath

Yep. Good ‘ole water! You already know that water keeps your dog hydrated. However, water can also be essential in helping your dog to have a fresher smelling mouth. For instance, a moist mouth helps keep odor causing bacteria away. In addition, it ensures proper bodily function.
Most importantly, the water needs to be fresh, clean water daily and easily accessible. In addition, the water bowl needs to be cleaned daily to prevent harmful bacteria from building up.
Furthermore, depending on where you live, tap water can be filled with contaminants. So, a good rule of thumb would be to give your dog filtered water if this is what you drink.
You can also help your dog’s bad breath with what you add to the water. There are several products on the market designed as dental water additives. These dental water additives can help improve bad dog breath.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Speaking of water additives, apple cider vinegar is a common household item that can help freshen dog breath. Apple cider vinegar is made from just apples and water, making it completely safe for dogs.
In addition to fresh breath, apple cider vinegar can soothe a dog’s overly alkalized digestive track. So, simply adding a teaspoon to your dog’s water daily can help improve bad breath.
Natural Treats

Crunchy foods, such as carrots, apples and celery can improve bad dog breath. Consequently, they remove odor-causing bacteria from dog’s teeth by stimulating the production of saliva. As a result, the saliva washes away some of the accumulated bacteria.
Furthermore, these crunchy foods are abrasive enough to act like a toothbrush scrubbing away plaque on your dog’s teeth. However, you should use carrots and apples in moderation, because they are both high in starch and fructose.
Coconut Oil
I would almost bet that you’ve tried coconut oil with your dog for one of its many benefits. For instance, coconut oil boosts the digestive and immune system, as well as, metabolic functions. Furthermore, it increases your dog’s energy level. You can also see the benefits in your dog’s skin and a softer, shinier coat.

However, did you know that coconut oil can help improve bad dog breath?
If you use this natural remedy, be sure to buy high-quality, organic, virgin, cold-pressed coconut oil. In addition, use either a teaspoon per ten pounds of body weight or a tablespoon per thirty pounds.
Your dog is going to love the taste! But, remember earlier I mentioned in the DIY toothpaste, to use it in moderation. So, as long as it is in moderation, use it as a natural toothpaste or baked into treats. You can also melt it and pour over your dog’s kibble. However, dogs like it so much, they will lick it right off of a spoon!

There’s a reason I use cinnamon in my DIY toothpaste recipe. Cinnamon breaks up hidden food particles and prevents the buildup of bacteria in between teeth. Furthermore, it’s a natural breath sweetener that you can sprinkle on your dog’s food daily.
Additionally, cinnamon can benefit your dog in other ways. You can read more about those benefits right here on our site.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera can offer many benefits to your dog, but it is very important to know how to safely use it. There is a part of this plant that is very toxic to dogs. So, if you keep an aloe vera plant in your home, place it out of your dog’s reach.

However, don’t be discouraged from using this plant as part of your dog’s health regimen. In other words, you just have to know the right part of the plant to use.
For instance, when you cut an aloe vera leaf open, you will see two things. Firstly, you will notice the clear, greenish gel in the center. Secondly, you will notice that the gel is surrounded by a yellowish juice. The yellowish juice is the latex that is toxic. The gel in the center is where the benefits for your dog lie.
Not only does it do wonders for your dog’s skin, but it also is a great oral cleanser. For example, apply the gel directly to your dog’s teeth to help loosen plaque. The best time to do this is right before bed.
Furthermore, aloe vera has enzymes that help cleanse the digestive system. An unhealthy digestive system can lead to bad dog breath. Check with your vet to recommend an all-natural product containing aloe vera for digestive issues.
The chlorophyll in parsley makes it a healthy and natural combat against bad dog breath. Chlorophyll is a bacteria-fighting compound that neutralizes unpleasant odors, resulting in fresh dog breath.
Furthermore, it’s easy to add to your dog’s daily meals. So, chop up a small amount of fresh parsley and mix it in with your dog’s food. For instance, use approximately one teaspoon of parsley per 10 pounds of weight. You can also steep this herb to make tea and incorporate it into your dog’s meals.

When using peppermint as a natural remedy to improve bad dog breath, use it in its natural state. Mint leaves fresh or dried, have natural benefits such as, antiviral, antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antifungal. Therefore, these benefits can all help freshen your dog’s breath.
In addition, used in its natural state, it can help ease digestive upset and calm the digestive tract. This can also help fight bad dog breath. However, make sure to not overdo it when giving your dog fresh mint. A few leaves a day should be it.
In Conclusion
Whew! Those are a lot of natural remedies to help improve bad dog breath. Just like us humans, dogs are similar as in what works for one might not work for another.
Therefore, it’s merely a matter of experimentation until you discover the natural remedy that works for your dog. Try experimenting one at a time, so you can isolate which ones do the trick.
Do you have any natural remedies that work for bad dog breath? Let us know in the comments below. We would love to hear about them.
You might enjoy this natural remedy for helping a dog’s itchy skin by making a DIY oatmeal shampoo.
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DIY Toothpaste for Dogs
- 1 tbsp pure virgin organic coconut oil
- ½ tbsp organic Ceylon cinnamon
- 1 pinch salt
- ⅛ cup luke-warm water
- Mix all ingredients in with the luke-warm water. This will soften the oil to make it pliable.
- Stir until soft enough to apply to a toothbrush.
- Apply directly to your dog’s teeth with a toothbrush.
- Store in a jar with a lid and keep in the refrigerator.
- Stir until soft for each use.
Can you use Spearmint instead of Peppermint? I have wild Spearmint in my yard. Also I have 3 dogs eating and drinking from the same bowl. How much would I use? They are between 5 and 7 pounds. Suggestion! Antlers are great for gnawing on.
Hi Belinda,
Yes, you can use spearmint instead of peppermint. I would still use just a few twigs of spearmint. I love the suggestion of antlers. They help so much with keep a dog’s teeth clean.
Tell your three dogs, I said, “Hi!”