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Being a dog parent is a lot of fun, but it’s a lot of responsibility, too. You are responsible for your fur baby’s overall well-being – emotionally, mentally, and physically. Did you know walking your dog can help meet their emotional, mental, and physical needs?

In addition, it gets you and your fur baby out exploring the world together. By doing so, the two of you are deepening your bond. You are taking an opportunity to teach and protect your fur baby.
Therefore, he or she understands that you are there for them. This type of walking teamwork builds trust. Your fur baby understands that you can keep her or him safe. They also, sense you want them to be happy, because you are taking them for a walk.
Does Walking Your Dog Seem Like a ‘No Brainer’ Topic?
Dr. Karen Becker at healthypets.mercola.com says that it may seem like a ‘no brainer’ to many dog owners, but the fact is there are lots of dog owners who:
- don’t walk their dogs at all, or don’t do it routinely
- don’t make the most of the activity
- or dread walks because their dog actually walks them, or exhibits other bad leash manners
“Generally, people walk their dog for 4 reasons: elimination, mental stimulation, exercise, and training,” according to Clinician’s Brief. “There is no reason that a walk cannot encompass and meet all the needs of both humans and dogs.”
Walking Your Dog Promotes Emotional Well-Being

Your fur baby wants nothing more than to spend one-on-one time with you. While out exploring the world together, you’re giving them the number one thing they crave – your attention.
As a dog parent, you are the center of their whole world. The quality time spent walking your dog can help deter attention-seeking behaviors such as excessive barking or whining.
Your dog will experience the emotions of joy and anticipation when you say, “Let’s go for a walk.” Joyful anticipation helps your fur baby experience happiness, which is good for their emotional well-being.
Walking Your Dog Promotes Mental Well-Being
If your dog could talk, what would he or she say about going for a walk? They probably would say they like to go on walks to sniff and engage with the outdoors. They would also probably say they like to socialize with people and dogs outside the home.
Sniffing and socializing, both, provide mental stimulation for your fur baby’s overall well-being. Your dog wants to know the world. As dog parents, we can take them out to explore the sights, smells, and sounds of the world.
While walking your dog, he or she will most likely meet other dogs. This is a great opportunity to help your dog learn acceptable social interaction. It will help them build confidence in making new friends.
In addition, walking your dog is a training opportunity, which helps with mental stimulation. You can teach them how to walk on a leash and follow your lead. You can also teach basic commands such as, sit, stay, and heel. Just be sure to pack some treats to use during the process. Oh, and don’t forget to praise!
Walking Your Dog Promotes Physical Well-Being

The simple task of walking your dog has a positive impact on their physical well-being. First of all, a walk for exercise can help your dog avoid unnecessary weight gain.
Healthy joints are another benefit to walking your dog. Keeping joints in motion improves their function for both you and your dog.
Further, regular walking helps regulate the digestive tract. Providing your dog with routine trips outdoors prevents constipation. Also, emptying their bladder regularly prevents bladder infections.
Walking your dog is the best form of exercise. However, if you have a backyard then you can also play fetch or catch for exercise. Find more ideas on what activities you and your dog can do together in The Animal Foundation’s Guide to Your Dog’s Play Time and Activities.
Walking Your Dog for Different Reasons
Each time you take your dog for a walk, it can be for a different purpose. In fact it is a good idea to vary “the walk” purpose. Decide ahead of time what the purpose will be:
- Potty Walk
- Exercise Walk
- Training Walk
- Sniff Walk
The Potty Walk is simply that. It is a short duration where you walk your dog to a potty spot to relieve him or herself. That would be considered a purposeful walk. The potty walk is usually for dogs without a fenced-in area.

The Exercise Walk is exactly what it sounds like. The purpose is for dogs of any size, breed, gender, or age to regularly exercise.
Exercising consistently is key. To maintain muscle tone and prevent muscle wasting, exercising every three days is the minimum.
Try to elevate your dog’s heart rate for 20 minutes while on an exercise walk. An out of shape dog will need to start slow, gradually building up to 20 minute exercise walks.
The Training Walk is also exactly what it sounds like. The purpose is about training for a certain outcome during the walk.
The training can be about improving leash manners, learning basic or advanced obedience commands, and ongoing socialization. Training walks will strengthen the bond between you and your fur baby.
The Sniff Walk is for mental stimulation. The purpose is a more leisurely walk where you allow your dog to stop and sniff. Dogs gain knowledge of the world through their noses.
During a sniff walk, your dog should be allowed to investigate and explore his or her surroundings. They should also be allowed to mark a spot so to speak.
A sniff walk is a little harder when your dog is on a leash. You will need to loosen the leash and allow them to lead where they want to explore.
You can train your dog with commands to know the purpose of the walk you are taking him or her on.
To Sum Up
Walking your dog is darn good fun! Your fur baby mainly wants to spend some quality time with you. But more importantly, you are helping improve your dog’s social skills, behavior, and overall well-being.
Take advantage of the different types of walks to stimulate your dog emotionally, mentally and physically. Remember, your fur baby depends on you for hers or his quality of life.
To live a balanced life, your dog needs exposure to the world: smells, cars, people, and other dogs. Likewise, these things need to be a part of your dog’s everyday life.
Daily walks will not only strengthen your bond together, but it will also create a healthier dog and a healthier you.
So, get out those walking shoes and leashes, and go explore the world with your fur baby.
If you have any more reasons why walking your dog is important, let us know in the comments below. Or, maybe you have some great dog walking tips you would like to share.
You might enjoy these articles from the Snoot and Toebeans’ Health and Wellness section:
- Mentally Stimulate Your Dog For Overall Well-Being
- 10 Tips to Protect Your Dog When the Weather Outside is Frightful
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