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Have you heard the fundamental healthy eating tip, “eat all the colors of the rainbow?” More than likely you have, but did you know those colors are people food dogs can eat too?
The colors of the rainbow in food language consists of fresh fruit and vegetables that are vibrant in color. Above all, what makes this food a healthy powerhouse is being low in fat and calories, nutrient-dense and packed with powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer nutrients.
The colorful people food dogs can eat is going to taste more like a treat to your fur baby. In fact, he or she just might rank at least one of them as a favorite treat.
Roy G. Biv
Who in the world is Roy G. Biv? You are probably asking yourself that question right this second. Well, he always helped my kindergarten students remember the order of the colors in a rainbow. To clarify, Roy G. Biv is an acronym for the sequence of hues commonly described as making up a rainbow.
I thought maybe he could help out here, too, with remembering the colors of people food dogs can eat.
- R – red
- o – orange
- y – yellow
- G. – green
- B – blue
- i – indigo
- v – violet
Our bodies, as well as our dog’s bodies, will benefit from variety. So, for optimal health, our fur babies need a rainbow of nutrients and colors.
As dog parents, we can use Roy G. Biv to help us remember what colors of fruits and vegetables we can add to our fur baby’s diet.
Think Red Veggies and Fruit

Red foods are rich in lycopene and anthocyanin, which greatly benefits the circulatory system by helping to build healthy cell walls. In addition, ellagic acid, quercetin, hesperidin, fiber, Vitamin A and Vitamin C, help improve blood pressure, organ function, and circulation.
Lycopene and ellagic acid have been studied for their cancer-fighting effects and other health benefits.
Most importantly, these nutrients help:
- reduce the risk of prostate cancer
- lower blood pressure
- diminish tumor growth and LDL cholesterol levels
- scavenge harmful free-radicals
- support joint tissue in arthritis cases
- depress the risk of diabetes and heart disease
- improve skin quality
Which red veggies and fruit can your dog safely try?
- apples
- bell peppers
- strawberries
- watermelon
- beets
- raspberries
- cranberries
Think Orange and Yellow Veggies and Fruit

Orange and yellow foods are rich in vitamin C and carotenoids, including beta-carotene. Beta-carotene converts to vitamin A once it is in the body, which helps promote healthy vision and cell growth. Beta-carotene is also good for a dog’s coat and skin.
In addition, orange and yellow foods contain zeaxanthin, flavonoids, lycopene, and potassium. They also contain citrus bioflavonoids, which strengthen the collagen in skin, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage.
Most importantly, these nutrients help:
- aid in eye health and reduce the risk of macular degeneration of the eye
- reduce the risk of heart disease
- lower blood pressure
- promote healthy joints and collagen formation
- fight harmful free radicals in the body
- encourage pH balance of the body
- boost the immune system
- build healthier bones by working with calcium and magnesium
- maintain healthy skin
- minimize inflammation
- prevent allergies
Which orange and yellow veggies and fruit can your dog safely try?
- carrots
- orange and yellow peppers
- sweet potatoes
- cantaloupes
- oranges (may cause gastric distress)
- mangoes
- pineapples
- bananas
- pumpkin
Think Green Veggies and Fruit

Green foods are one of the healthiest foods we can eat. Therefore, they are probably the healthiest people food we can feed our fur babies. They are rich in lutein, isothiocyanates, isoflavones, and vitamin K, which is essential for blood and bone health.
Other vitamins include vitamin A, vitamin E, and vitamin C.3. Green foods can also help cleanse and purify the blood and the respiratory.
Most importantly these nutrients help:
- reduce the risk of cancer
- keep bowel movements and digestive processes regular
- support retinal health and vision
- fight harmful free radicals in the body
- boost the immune system
Which green veggies and fruit can your dog safely try?
- broccoli
- brussels sprouts
- green beans
- peas
- cucumber
- celery
- pears
Think Blue, Indigo, and Violet Veggies and Fruit

More commonly now, indigo is left off the original seven color rainbow spectrum. Plus, violet is more commonly called purple. So, for the sake of naming the colors of fruits and vegetables, blue and purple will suffice.
Blue and purple foods have many different nutrients that are also found in red foods. They are rich in lutein, zeaxanthin, resveratrol, vitamin C, fiber, flavonoids, ellagic acid, and quercetin.
Furthermore, purple foods contain the most antioxidants of all the colors and therefore contribute to overall health, disease prevention, longevity, and help maintain a healthy brain.
Most importantly these nutrients help:
- fight inflammation
- improve the bodies ability to absorb calcium and other nutrients
- support eye health, specifically for the retina
- boost the immune system
- reinforce healthy digestion for the GI tract
- act as anticarcinogens (battles cancer causing cells) especially throughout the digestive tract
- reduce tumor growth
- limit the activity of cancer cells throughout the body
Which blue and purple veggies and fruit can your dog safely try?
- eggplant (possible allergic reaction)
- cabbage (may cause gastric distress)
- blueberries
- blackberries
- rutabaga
In Conclusion…
The colorful array of people food dogs can eat is a way to get a variety of fruits and vegetables into your fur baby’s diet. Above all, it ensures that your fur baby will get the vitamins and minerals needed.
It is important that you research any people food you are unsure of feeding your fur baby. Always consult your veterinarian for food advice, whether people food or dog food.
The American Kennel Club answers questions from dog parents daily about what people food dogs can eat. Check out “Can dogs eat…” articles on AKC.org to see which foods your fur baby can and can’t eat.
Snoot and Toebeans Dog Chef Recipes to Include Rainbow Food as a Treat
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